The Reality of Student Work Permits in Korea

Can international students work in South Korea? The short answer is yes, but there are many different rules that you will need to navigate and each student’s situation is a little different. There is no such thing as one set of paperwork or a guaranteed outcome. Such ambiguity may leave international students feeling vulnerable and … Read more

Health Insurance Rules for International Students in Korea

Let’s talk about the Korean National Health Insurance requirements for international students studying in South Korea. It’s important to have a strong health safety net while you are studying and Korea and that includes health insurance. Thankfully, South Korea makes health insurance mandatory and affordable for many students. Listen to the BlogCast Don’t want to … Read more

Hobbies for Making Friends in Korea

Recently we posted Tips for Making Friends in Korea and we mentioned embracing your hobbies. Of course, that’s easier said than done. You’ve moved to a new country and language limitations may make accessing your hobby difficult. I want to help make it easier by connecting you with groups in Korea where you can search … Read more

Tips for Making Friends in Korea

Have you recently moved to Korea for work or school and are you looking to build your community? Here are some of my personal tips for making friends in South Korea. Hold onto your hats because this isn’t short but it may be helpful. Listen to the BlogCast Don’t want to read? Listen to the … Read more

How to Appreciate Korean Seasons

Wondering what to expect during Korea’s four seasons? Let’s take a look at what a year looks like living in Korea. Discover tips for how to appreciate Korean seasons for their own unique style. Korea’s ‘Four Seasons’ is Part of Small Talk Korean culture puts great importance on the 4 seasons. While living in South … Read more

March in Korea is About Academia

Have you ever wondered why March is a quiet month in South Korea? Wondering why there isn’t a lot going on around the country? The quiet time exists because March is all about the start of the new academic year. Additionally, March marks a time of great change and turmoil for many in the international … Read more