Understanding Types of Mental Health Services in Korea

Psychiatry, therapy counseling, and life coaching are distinct yet often confused approaches to personal development and mental well-being. Navigating such distinctions among these terms and services can feel confusing if not frustrating, but you are not alone in that. To better understand these differences, we must grasp the fundamental definitions of each term. This blog … Read more

Postpartum Care Experiences and Resources in Korea

Are you looking for postpartum care resources in Korea? Our volunteers have put together a list of resources to support English-speaking mothers who have recently given birth in South Korea. Listen to the BlogCast Don’t want to read? Listen to the South of Seoul BlogCast which provides accessible content through the use of AI technology. We don’t … Read more

Childbirth Experiences and Resources in Korea

Are you looking for childbirth resources in Korea? Our volunteers have put together a list of resources to support English-speaking expectant mothers in South Korea. Listen to the BlogCast Don’t want to read? Listen to the South of Seoul BlogCast which provides accessible content through the use of AI technology. We don’t have time to read each … Read more

Skin Cancer Screening at The Catholic University of Korea St. Vincent Hospital

Going to the doctor is not something many people look forward to. The unease associated with doctors’ visits can increase when you are concerned you may have a potentially serious diagnosis like skin cancer. Add in the uncomfortableness that comes with living in a new country where you may not know the language, customs, and … Read more

Managing Spring Allergies in Korea

Do you suffer from springtime allergies? Spring is a beautiful season in South Korea, with an array of different types of flowers blooming and temperatures warming up after a long, cold winter. However, for many people, spring also brings seasonal allergies. Understanding the types of allergens that occur in Korea may help you manage your … Read more

2022 SOS Public Health Needs Assessment of International Residents in Korea

This Needs Assessment was conducted by graduate student Olivia Bowman as part of her practicum with SOS Public Health (SOSPH) in the Fall of 2022.  This needs assessment examines healthcare information access among the multinational English-speaking community living in South Korea, with a focus on the role that cultural dissonance may play in such access.

Wheelchair Rental in Korea

Did you know there are several ways to get a wheelchair rental in Korea? If life happens and you find yourself in need of rental medical equipment, whether recovering from an unexpected injury or healing after a procedure, there are several resources you can turn to.

English Speaking Dentists in Songdo

Finding an English speaking dentist in Korea can be a daunting if you don’t understand the language. You may experience challenges with cultural dissonance when navigating the Korean healthcare system in regard to dental health. SOS Public Health is working to compile a list of English-accessible dental clinics in and around the Songdo area. This list will continue to grow as SOS Public Health volunteers discover new locations.

Navigating Healthcare in South Korea: Introducing the “Health and Wellness in Korea” Facebook Group

Have you ever needed to find a specific hostpial or clinic in Korea for a health challenge that you’ve faced, but didn’t know where to go? Korea has a complex system of hospitals and clinics of which many medical services don’t overlap. Finding trusted information on healthcare options can be difficult if you don’t know where to look.

To overcome these challenges in healthcare information access, SOS Public Health and Fedmedi collaborated to create the Health and Wellness in Korea Facebook Group.

Mental Health Counseling in Songdo

Songdo, labeled the International Business District of Incheon, houses a decent sized international population. Several members of the Songdo international community have expressed a need for English-speaking mental health services. While known as an international district, mental health counseling services prove to be limited in the Songdo area.