Understanding Types of Mental Health Services in Korea

Psychiatry, therapy counseling, and life coaching are distinct yet often confused approaches to personal development and mental well-being. Navigating such distinctions among these terms and services can feel confusing if not frustrating, but you are not alone in that. To better understand these differences, we must grasp the fundamental definitions of each term. This blog … Read more

SOS Public Health Maternal Health Survey Descriptive Analysis: Pregnancy and Childbirth in South Korea

Would you like to know more about pregnancy and childbirth in South Korea? The following blog post provides a descriptive analysis of the data gathered in the SOS Public Health Maternal Health Survey (2022 SOS PHMHS) The following data may so such things as 1) provide support and information for people considering childbirth in South Korea, 2) support additional research into the lived pregnancy and childbirth experiences of international residents living in South Korea, and 3) contribute to a better understanding of how international residents experience pregnancy and childbirth in South Korea.

2022 SOS Public Health Needs Assessment of International Residents in Korea

This Needs Assessment was conducted by graduate student Olivia Bowman as part of her practicum with SOS Public Health (SOSPH) in the Fall of 2022.  This needs assessment examines healthcare information access among the multinational English-speaking community living in South Korea, with a focus on the role that cultural dissonance may play in such access.

Typhoon Preparedness in Korea

Worried about the typhoons that come through South Korea? Learn more about Typhoon preparedness in Korea and how international residents might want to prepare. Listen to the BlogCast Don’t want to read? Listen to the South of Seoul BlogCast which provides accessible content through the use of AI technology. We don’t have time to read each article … Read more

Navigating Healthcare in South Korea: Introducing the “Health and Wellness in Korea” Facebook Group

Have you ever needed to find a specific hostpial or clinic in Korea for a health challenge that you’ve faced, but didn’t know where to go? Korea has a complex system of hospitals and clinics of which many medical services don’t overlap. Finding trusted information on healthcare options can be difficult if you don’t know where to look.

To overcome these challenges in healthcare information access, SOS Public Health and Fedmedi collaborated to create the Health and Wellness in Korea Facebook Group.

How to improve your comfort level with Healthcare in South Korea

The 2021 South of Seoul Public Health Survey found that putting effort into developing cultural competence may improve your perceptions of your own healthcare in South Korea. Let’s talk about this. Listen to the BlogCast Don’t want to read? Listen to the South of Seoul BlogCast which provides accessible content through the use of AI technology. We … Read more

Healthcare in South Korea: How to Advocate for Yourself

Why is self-advocacy important? Self-advocacy is an important skill that empowers you to take control over your life decisions, such as decisions based on healthcare. Your experiences are unique to you. Therefore, YOU know what you need best and YOU should advocate for your needs when possible. However, advocating for yourself is not always easy, … Read more