Managing Spring Allergies in Korea

Do you suffer from springtime allergies? Spring is a beautiful season in South Korea, with an array of different types of flowers blooming and temperatures warming up after a long, cold winter. However, for many people, spring also brings seasonal allergies. Understanding the types of allergens that occur in Korea may help you manage your … Read more

Maternal Health: A New SOS Public Health Initiative

South of Seoul Public Health is starting a new initiative: Maternal and Child Health. This initiative aims to research and improve access to maternal healthcare information for the multinational community living in South

SOS Public Health and Utah Asia Campus Collaboration: Mental Health Week

A Need for Mental Health Campaigns on University Campuses If you attended a college or university, you may understand the mental health struggles that students face. Factors such as academic/social/financial stress, uncertainty about the future, and lack of sleep contribute to increased mental health challenges among students. Throw in a dash of COVID and a … Read more

Healthcare in South Korea: How to Advocate for Yourself

Why is self-advocacy important? Self-advocacy is an important skill that empowers you to take control over your life decisions, such as decisions based on healthcare. Your experiences are unique to you. Therefore, YOU know what you need best and YOU should advocate for your needs when possible. However, advocating for yourself is not always easy, … Read more

The New South of Seoul Public Health Program

The Start of the South of Seoul Public Health Program Since 2015, South of Seoul volunteers have supported the English-speaking international community living in South Korea. When COVID-19 swept across the country, the lack of access to critical information related to healthcare for the international community became evident. After observing such struggles within the international … Read more