Mental Health Counseling in Songdo

Songdo, labeled the International Business District of Incheon, houses a decent sized international population. Several members of the Songdo international community have expressed a need for English-speaking mental health services. While known as an international district, mental health counseling services prove to be limited in the Songdo area.

Mental Health Counseling in Pyeongtaek

English-speaking mental health counseling services exist throughout South Korea. However, finding such English-speaking mental health counseling services, particularly outside of the Seoul area, may feel like an overwhelming or difficult task. Read more to learn about some mental health counseling services in the Pyeongtaek area.

The therapist’s office: The place where we are judged the least

South of Seoul: We would like to welcome Adaptable Human Solutions to the South of Seoul Blog. AHS is an English speaking counseling service with offices in Pyeongtaek and Seoul, South Korea. AHS will be blogging about mental health related issues in expat life. An expat mental health journey: My name is Irina and I … Read more