2022 SOS Public Health Needs Assessment of International Residents in Korea

This Needs Assessment was conducted by graduate student Olivia Bowman as part of her practicum with SOS Public Health (SOSPH) in the Fall of 2022.  This needs assessment examines healthcare information access among the multinational English-speaking community living in South Korea, with a focus on the role that cultural dissonance may play in such access.

Participate in the Mental Health Access Survey on Incheon Global Campus

Want to support improvements in access to mental health resources for students, faculty, and staff on Incheon Global Campus (IGC)? Take the South of Seoul Public Health (SOS Public Health) Mental Health Access Survey. This blog will tell you how.

SOS Public Health: Mental Health Access Initiative on Incheon Global Campus

About Mental Health on International Campuses Studying or working on an international university campus may be rewarding and also stressful. For example, many challenges may exist when adjusting to campus life: a new culture, and language differences while discovering how to access campus resources. Experiences such as these may stir positive and negative emotions such … Read more

Participate in the Maternal Health Survey!

Want to support improvements in information related to the maternal health of international residents living in South Korea? Take the SOS Public Health Maternal Health Survey. This blog will tell you how.

Maternal Health: A New SOS Public Health Initiative

South of Seoul Public Health is starting a new initiative: Maternal and Child Health. This initiative aims to research and improve access to maternal healthcare information for the multinational community living in South

SOS Public Health and Utah Asia Campus Collaboration: Mental Health Week

A Need for Mental Health Campaigns on University Campuses If you attended a college or university, you may understand the mental health struggles that students face. Factors such as academic/social/financial stress, uncertainty about the future, and lack of sleep contribute to increased mental health challenges among students. Throw in a dash of COVID and a … Read more

How to obtain your Korean COVID vaccination certificate in English

Why would I need to have my COVID vaccination certificate printed in English? The vaccination process in South Korea has been picking up speed over the last couple of months, particularly among our expat teacher community. If you completed both doses of the COVID vaccine in South Korea, then you should have received a vaccination … Read more

The New South of Seoul Public Health Program

The Start of the South of Seoul Public Health Program Since 2015, South of Seoul volunteers have supported the English-speaking international community living in South Korea. When COVID-19 swept across the country, the lack of access to critical information related to healthcare for the international community became evident. After observing such struggles within the international … Read more